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Why Chess?
This video goes through 6 of the many reasons why you should play chess.
- Limitless
- The 4 Cs
- Analysing
- Planning
- The Big picture
- Chess is Life
We will go through each of these points.
Learn The Basics In Under 5 Minutes!
We will look at the basics of chess in under 5 minutes. Looking at the concepts such as the pieces and their value, how they move and how the board is initially set up.
Chess: the basics of the Rooks
Chess: the basics of the Bishops
Chess: the basics of the Queen
Chess: the basics of the King
Chess: the basics of the Pawns
Chess: the basics of the Knights
Chess: Setting up the Chess Board
Chess: Check
Chess: Dealing with Check
Chess: Checkmate
Chess: Etiquette
Chess: Secret 1 – Castling